Top tips for implementing change…

Notebook with New Year's resolutions listed

Did you set a New Year’s Resolution? And if so, how is it going?

We are not quite 3 weeks into the new year and some of my clients have reported their motivation is already waning, so I wanted to check in, cheer you on and give you my top tips for success.

1.        Don’t set a resolution without a roadmap.

Want to lose 10kg? Great!! But how will you achieve that? How can we turn this from a dream into reality?

Write out a plan of the methods and steps and mini-goals that will get you to your goal. 

What will you eat?  How will you move your body?  How will you rest effectively?  Is there a plan to reduce alcohol, refined carbohydrates or other important details that you need to consciously think about and plan?

2.       Take baby steps. And I mean teeny, tiny, wee, small, little baby steps! 

Old habits die hard- so by choosing one change to implement at a time and doing it slowly over a longer period, you are more likely to succeed in changing your long-term habits to healthier habits.  When the first change becomes second nature, then introduce another small change. 

Yes, it will take a longer timeframe to achieve results, but the results are more likely to be permanent.

3.       Drop the guilt!  We are all only human and as stated, old habits die hard. 

So please, don’t beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon.  Just start again at the very next meal, exercise session or whatever it is you have missed.  

Our internal dialogue is often horrid, we would never dream of talking to our friends the way we speak to ourselves- so let’s treat ourselves how we would treat our loved ones- with kindness, respect and understanding- and watch ourselves blossom!

Yours in good health,



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